New year, right back at it!

Published January 17, 2011
So I had a great, relaxing vacation with family, but when I got back to school, I had one week to start and finish a project that had been going for two to three months. Why hadn't I started earlier? Well, we had two other projects running at the same time that was completed before the x-mass vacation, and I really needed some time off from coding, to get that itching back into my fingers! I got that itching back alright, but one week on a huge project isn't a lot of time!

Needless to say, I just spent a week coding without much sleep. Tuesday to Sunday I probably got a good four to six hours each night, so nothing to really complain about there. With a couple good espresso shots now and then, I kept that pace going. Sunday I took the bus up to my university and got a good six hours of sleep there. Then I went into true crunch-mode up till the deadline, sleeping no more than three hours each night until deadline on Tuesday night.

An exhausting experience coming straight from the calm and relax of vacation to that kick-start! You can check out the results of my efforts on YouTube:



I wrote a C++/OpenGL3.3 application with XML and Lua script exposure. I implemented the Gui via libRocket for the first time, which really rocked! And I did my first experimentation with Geometry Shaders, where I drew the point-cloud as vectors using the velocity information for each particle. The particle simulation was done in Flow3d. Of course, I had a lot of my engine laying around from other previous projects, so throwing the engine together was a fairly straight forward task. It's kind of cool to see how fast I can whip together a new project now that I've got this much code laying around from previous ones.

Next is to start on my thesis, plus I really want to do some of my exams over again in projects where I felt I was close to the top grade, but just didn't reach it. Of course, that's also an excuse to make games!

I've also been starting up this 2D game with my good friend Sphair, who's one of the key devs on ClanLib. It'll be this 2D multiplayer airplane shooter. Quite excited about it too! :) I'll keep this blog updated with images and progress!
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I edited your blog to make the YouTube embeds work
January 22, 2011 02:08 AM
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