Been too long!

Published September 17, 2007
Oh dear - it's been way too long since my last entry (over 2 months).

Real life just got in the way :)

Got quite far with the game-editor. Instead of using SWT decided to use Swing for the GUI. Works out quite nicely when using it with JOGL (I should probably post some screenshots). You can place meshes and edit the properties - still lots to do though.

Also moved over to use netbeans as the my IDE of choice for Java and C++ development (from Eclipse).

Previous Entry Eclipse oh no :(
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I find it interesting that you've just moved from Eclipse to Netbean, how are you finding it? I just recently made the opposite change at work and I'm preferring eclipse.

[rant]One thing I hate though is the amount of automated crap that is turned on by default like syntax checking, bracket matching, auto todo statements blah blah blah... it takes me more time to delete the crap it adds than it does for me to code the application. [/rant]
September 18, 2007 02:37 AM
Orbital Fan
Netbeans seems to perform better (for me at least on my laptop and desktop). The interface is far less cluttered and it's yet to crash (after 2 months of use). Eclipse, although probably has more features, crashed all the time for me - which is unfortunate as I would have stuck with it.

For (my limited) java development they seemed to sport the same capabilities. Although Netbeans has the Swing GUI editor - never tried any in eclipse. The Java intellisense feature works so much faster in Netbeans - Eclipse used to just lock-up when trying to display JOGL classes due to the shear number of members in there.

For C++ development (my primary platform) I think they're about the same. Debugging on both is just rubbish when you compare it to Visual Studio's debugging capabilities though :( May be in the future...

To be honest I have considered just dropping IDE's and using something like jEdit which is completely customizable along with 'Scons' for compiling C++ and Java. But, at the moment, netbeans sits quite nicely.
September 18, 2007 07:02 AM
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