Fix the new editor forums handling of copy/paste code

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0 comments, last by Juliean 4 years ago

Ok, so ever since the new forum reskin I have my gosh darn nightmares just trying to make simple posts. I'm on PC, Firefox, Windows 10, German System/Layout.

Main problem is “copying & inserting" code. So here's a few things that should make this very clear.

Lets say I went to this thread (,​ and I want to copy some code to showcase what this users issue is. I select the line of code, CTRL+C, and the CTRL+V looks like that:

renderer.GetContext()->UpdateSubresource(renderer.d3dWvpCB, <span class="hljs-number">0</span>, <span class="hljs-number">0</span>, &amp;amp;cameraData, <span class="hljs-number">0</span>, <span class="hljs-number">0</span>);


Now, I want to show some of my own code. I go to my Visual Studio, select my wonderful code and when I now paste it here:

void EntityDiff::UnapplyFrom(Entity& entity, const Entity& default, EntityManager& entities, DiffNotifications notifications)


if (m_parentUid != SAME_PARENT)

So, I just at that point figured that this is solved if you actually wrap the code in a code-block. Maybe I just tried to put the code in regular quote-blocks and thats the issue? I mean, I would really appreciate it if what I pasted wouldn't insert newlines where none were originally, but I guess I can live with that, as long as you fix whatever causes this nonesense that ends up in my clipboard whenever I try to copy something.
Thanks ?


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