Field of Heroes online soccer MOBA prototype released

Published January 16, 2017



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After just over three months of working on it in my free time, I just released an online multiplayer soccer MOBA on as a prototype. This is a departure from my normal routine where I come up with an idea, develop it through to the end, and release a polished version of it.

Backstory and Motivation

I got the idea for Field of Heroes back in 2014 when I was tinkering with the Unreal Editor. It seemed like a good project for learning how UE and behavior trees work, and I was inspired by mechanics from games like Altitude and Pigskin 621 A.D.. Back then I worked on it for a few months before moving it to the backburner since there wasn't a real interest in it from anyone else. I revived the project in Unity this past October after another developer released "What the Box?" on Steam after just one month of work, and it went viral. I was so inspired by their success that I just had to give it a shot.

I don't want to develop fully featured polished games alone anymore because I don't have the kind of free time and energy that I used to. I therefore decided I would make and release Field of Heroes as a prototype to see if it generates a lot of interest. If it does, then I'll put more effort into it and maybe work with an established studio to make it really polished and much more content-rich and fun. If it doesn't then I'll keep it available for free indefinitely and move on to a smaller project.

Have any of you out there reading this been in a similar position? What did you do and how did things work out?

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Happy to see this here in the Developers Journal Section.

I think soccer is a very easy recognized sport around the world, and as rocket league has shown anyone people like interesting ways to play the sport.

Good Luck and post more!

January 18, 2017 05:44 PM

I love it, soccer 500 years ago, a game of skill... to the DEATH!

January 21, 2017 02:54 PM
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