PixelCast 9, Untitled Goose Game, Mode 7, and a Memory Leak!

Published October 31, 2019

In episode 9, Jeremy discusses Untitiled Goose Game and a principle, that making games is like playing Apples-to-Apples with your "silly" friends. Jeremy also dives into Mode 7 again and discusses the significance of this line of code:

z = scale - ( Mathf.Cos( Mathf.Abs( distortMap.height / 2 - y ) * Mathf.Deg2Rad ) * 3 );

Finally, Jeremy starts diving into PixelFest 2020 plans with a call for sponsors, indies, artists, and vendors; when the previously aforementioned Mode 7 program sprung a memory leak to the tune of 61 GB and ends the video ;) Fun times!



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