How to resolve these "unresolved externals"

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2 comments, last by LorenzoGatti 9 months, 3 weeks ago


I have 7 errors in my project after moving to a new computer. All are “unresolved externals”. See below. How can I find out where the error actually is? The files referenced are not files I have changed in any way.
“hge” is the name of a game engine/library im using.

Thank you!


I'm not sure what that is ? But when i search in the propterty pages →linker there is nothing about verbose.

I'm using visual studio 2017.

The names suggest innards of the MSVC standard library or of generated code. When you switched to a new computer, something might have changed:

  • Different compiler version (possibly with stale library files or object files from HGE or your game that need to be recompiled)
  • Different set of actually installed MSVC redistributable runtimes, Windows SDKs and the like
  • Incorrectly adapted/recreated MSVC solution files

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

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