
Published October 26, 2005
Can't remember when I last wrote something here, and I can't be bothered looking it up.

So, I'm still up here in St Andrews studying CS. So far, it's pretty straightforward - take a few concepts from C++ that I already knew damn well, and apply them to Java.

I might even take one of my practical assignments, put bells on it, and upload it to the showcase just as a point of interest. It involved moving a turtle around the screen to form letters, so if I put a front-end on it to allow the user to specify where they wanted the turtle to go, it could prove to be amusing for little under 5 minutes. The turtle drew coloured lines, it was imported from the Galapagos library which I think comes with a book I've got (it was stored on a file server in the CS department when we did the practical - we just had to point Eclipse at it, and copy a couple of files). It was hard-coded for the assignment, but I can just grab my old code, hack it around to allow user input, and away you go. In go the co-ordinates, away goes the turtle. Dull, but still a program.

I was going to put a screenie here, but I still need to fiddle about with getting the library set up on my laptop. Screenie cometh soon!

Also, iTunes is a wonderful thing - being able to stream music off other people on the fly, it's genious. Pity about the 5 users a day limit though, or should that be 5 users during that instance of iTunes? That's right folks, close iTunes and it gets reset. Restart iTunes even a couple of seconds later, and others can connect normally once more. Hardly a day's worth of users, is it?

In other news, Gordon Ramsay is running for Rector here. The elections are on Friday, I'll probably vote for him because I haven't actually heard of any of the other candidates.

I get a week off next Friday, so I'm off back to Edinburgh for a bit. I'll probably spend it doing some work, but I think I need to rest up a bit.

I do wish I had something to write about here, but I don't. But I want my money's worth anyway.

See you round,


Next Entry Boo :(
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Gordon Ramsey?...will he be allowed to swear as much as usual I wonder :)

Who else is up for nominations?
October 27, 2005 06:24 AM
Heh, I've always enjoyed watching Ramsey. Vote for him!
October 27, 2005 12:54 PM
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