
posted in Child of GDNet
Published August 11, 2005

So sorry for the delay. What was the last update, like, Sunday? Yeah, yeah, my bad again. Good news. Well, been working on the project, and level three, thankfully, is completely playable. Check it out...

Yes, that is a programmer-art mech warrior that shoots 1337-missiles down at you. I'm still working on getting it to shoot up at you if you try to jump the missile.

Actually, the more I play Level 3, the more lame I think it is. I suppose a player discovering it for the first time (especially with the awesome art that will eventually grace it) they might think it's exciting, but personally, I don't like it that much. I just don't like how I designed it. Lesson learned here: When you add something gimmicky, like a multi-floor building level, be sure not to forget to make it good. Now I have to go and make it so that the levels flow together so I can have a demo.

So my new computer, Alexis, is set up and everything. It is most awesome and completely 1337. Unfortunately, it has no OS yet, but when it does... oh man. I get my next paycheck Monday, so taht should cover the OS and all my pro-audio equipment. Oh, and I want to start writing for I think that's what it's called, anyway. That could be a great site if it had more content.

Well, anyhow, I'll try hardest to get back soon, but I've learned not to make promises. But I'm always sure to keep updated with you guys, so Stompy, Sapo, ilDave, keep it comin!

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The mech kind of looks like a ninja turtle. Good stuff though, let me know if you need some help play testing.
August 11, 2005 10:12 PM
Why the hell am I not involved with what seems to be a 2d mafia in the makings?

Sapo, ilDave, TraderJack and Stompy are a dangerous crew!
August 11, 2005 10:15 PM
Why the hell am I not involved with what seems to be a 2d mafia in the makings?

Sapo, ilDave, TraderJack and Stompy are a dangerous crew!
August 11, 2005 10:15 PM
Sir Sapo
Oh good an update, I thought you were dead. Are your levels loaded from an outside file, or are they coded into the game?

Quote:Why the hell am I not involved with what seems to be a 2d mafia in the makings?

The invitation must have gotten lost in the mail.
August 11, 2005 10:48 PM
Decipher: Lol, yeah, true. I'll be sure to let you know if we need playtesters.

Visage: Hmmm... do you have a 2D project in the making? If so, you're so in.

Sapo: Teh art is of course external, but the levels are built within the game. It's a class, with a startup(), run(), draw(), and end() function. Startup contains the initializations of every item in the level, run is where everything goes, draw... draws... and end contains the code for when the player beats the level.

August 11, 2005 10:55 PM
That looks pretty good. I love how the mechwarrior is nice and colored, while the stick guys aren't. !!!MECHWARRIOR > STICK MEN!!!
August 11, 2005 11:17 PM
Rock on TraderJack, the game is looking very impressive!

Thanks a lot for the advice. I'm peeling through some good ol` source code of some completed games and I'm finding a -lot- of usefullness in them.

The Mech looks elite as hell >;o)
August 11, 2005 11:38 PM
Something I was going to ask about the game is, the game isn't tile based correct? Although it looks like it, the platforms are all stored as independent entities, correct?

Anyway, it's looking great. I'd also want to play test the game when you're ready.
August 12, 2005 10:51 AM
Yeah, everything is a seperate object. The only reason the ground looks like it's tiles is because it's really badly done programmer art. I do have a class though so I can make a tile-like object by uploading the image and the object dimentions and co-ordinates. As soon as September comes around I'm getting a website which will have all sorts of great content. Check back soon!

August 12, 2005 11:33 AM
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