Mua Ha Ha

posted in Child of GDNet
Published June 29, 2006

So I've finished the graphing for level 7. pwn3d. Only 2 more to go, and I'm so done, which is e-leet. 7 is one of those sidescroller levels where the screen scrolls upward at a constant rate and you have to battle your way to the top of the level (and if you fall below the bottom margin of the screen, you die). It was super hard to design, cause it's rough not making a verticle decent redundant. But once again, I've pulled it together.

And now, a quick paragraph about my personal life. It's summer, and I have not much to do. My girlfriend is in Louisina where she's doing reconstruction work, and she'll be back in a few days. Also, I'll have alot of new time to work on the project. My hair is in a fohawk, and I can play a mean guitar now.

You know what's really depressing? I've been looking around at the other programmers who are either my age or who have been programming as long as I have, and you know what? They progress so much faster than me. You know why? Cause of this damn project!! It's holding me back. I can't move on until I'm finished. You know what, though? I made a dedication to finish this thing, so that's what I'm going to do. But I've got to do it now, cause I feel like I'm being left in the dirt. I know 1 language, 1 API, and a small library of code structures. That's nothing. All of the other guys are working on new demos, projects, new APIs, things like OpenGL... I need to be able to move on.

Going to bed now, it's getting late. Oh, and I'll have teh p1kt4rz up soon, cause I wanna keep up a reputation of lots of images on teh j0urn4l.


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Don't compare yourself to other people. Compare yourself to yourself - don't let other people set goals that you should be setting yourself. If you want to emulate their progress, fine. But you shouldn't feel that you have to do it to be 'successful'.

Granted, this kind of ties into my personal philosophy that essentially all measures of success are an illusion created by the human mind, conditioned by society.

Do what makes you happy :]
June 30, 2006 12:48 AM
Sir Sapo
Hellz Yeah, thats 2 entries in 2 days, keep it up!

I'm looking forward to seeing the screens!
June 30, 2006 01:36 AM
How many people do you know who actually finish projects they start? I mean really finish them to a level you could release and forget about? Finishing a project is a skill in itself that takes dedication and a lot of hard work. Get that under your belt and you will be head and shoulders above many others :-)
June 30, 2006 01:50 AM
I'm going to agree with the above comments. Some trees grow fast and are blown over by the wind. Don't be a pine. They only survive in groups.

Quote:Granted, this kind of ties into my personal philosophy that essentially all measures of success are an illusion created by the human mind, conditioned by society.
!!! I just wanted this to be read again. !!!
June 30, 2006 07:42 AM
Quote:Don't compare yourself to other people. Compare yourself to yourself - don't let other people set goals that you should be setting yourself. If you want to emulate their progress, fine. But you shouldn't feel that you have to do it to be 'successful'.

Granted, this kind of ties into my personal philosophy that essentially all measures of success are an illusion created by the human mind, conditioned by society.

Do what makes you happy :]

Exactly right.

I used to get depressed about my old projects (and sometimes my recent ones), because they didn't even measure up to some of the stuff I see here. But I realized, as long as I'm having fun and getting better, I don't need to compete with others. You have to crawl before you walk.
June 30, 2006 09:36 AM
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