zombies, ninjas, robots and pirates

Published June 09, 2005
Looks like I'm probably going to have a crack at the 4E4 compo.

I've designed some aspects of my entry in my head, and discussed it a little. Here are some points

- It will probably be a RTS
- It will try not to be excessively complicated
- Zombies, robots and pirates will probably all be capable of being on the same side, unlike others' entries which view them as different races
- I'm currently looking at about 10 different unit types.
- The game will probably contain about 10 short missions with maybe 2 optional and 1 secret one.

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Quote:- Zombies, robots and pirates will probably all be capable of being on the same side, unlike others' entries which view them as different races

That's not true - you can have zombified pirates/ninjas! [wink]
June 09, 2005 06:44 PM
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