Hardware hell

Published April 29, 2005
Last week I managed to completely fry the motherboard of my old AMD K6-2 system. This in itself was quite annoying, but not critical as it's not my main box (I may be behind the times hardware-wise - but not THAT far :) )

Anyway, I'm trying to rebuild a working box today using my ancient Pentium motherboard.

I swapped the mobo's out, and the bios (to my surprise) actually boots. Well, that's one hurdle.

Haven't actually had it get as far as booting an OS (other than DOS, which doesn't count) yet. Win2k is installed on the HD, but won't boot because of some hardware change issue (blue screen stop 7B).

This motherboard is very old, and doesn't even have a bios which can boot off an IDE cdrom (annoying).

So first I'll install win98 to check if it's all working properly, then maybe something else. Possibly Windows 2000 or WinNT (maybe not enough RAM in there at the moment though).

The problem with NT and 2000, is they require me to make lots of floppies to install from (just the floppydisc installation part, I still need the CD)

Anyway, it looks like I might have managed to salvage the machine from being total scrap :)


So first I'll try to install
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I hate mbs that don't boot off of cdrom... and to think that my current computer doesn't even have a floppy drive [smile]
April 29, 2005 03:33 PM
You can install Windows 2000 using a single 98se floppy by booting from the floppy, navigating to the 'I386' directory on the 2000 CD and executing 'winnt.exe'. One thing I'd reccomend is that you make sure smartdrv is on the boot disk and you enable it for all the drives using 'smartdrv +a +c' and so on. Without smartdrv enabled like this an install can take a very long time to complete.

Hope that's useful :)
May 25, 2005 09:28 AM
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