
posted in c1ic.mx
Published April 24, 2024

“c1ic.mx” is a game project, is the only site that uses a single button for everything.

You can see movies, read books and play video games just by clicking in the screen.


I'm a game developer since year 2000 and this project starts around 2005 as a personal challenge to make one button games (in Flash) for the web, that escalated so fast when I realice all the benefits of a single button for not only video games fans, but also for disabilities, elder people, rehab, early stimulation, pain relief in burned people, and much much more.

I start publishing my games on my personal website of games, with the time I realize that a project like this needed it own website, so in 2011 I created the name “c1ic” (one click un a single word), buy the site and start making not only games, but apps for writing, play some music, virtual toys, watch movies, besides video games. The site start growing so fast in content and in visitors.

The visitors start to visit the page from all over the world so I decided to put some adds to earn some money. At that time a company called “Mochimedia” had an excellent system and kept the project running for a while.


but sadly a Chinese company bought Mochimedia in 2014 to dissapear it.


With no ads I start to look for companies and foundations to help people in different conditions like burned people, but realize that in my country is very difficult to help, so for a time I was angry and frustrated so I leave the project.

It became a personal hobby to add content once in a while because I love one button games, and also some blogs around the world kept me motivated because they where talking about the project so I was making games to publish them as an independent games, no as a part of a c1ic system.

Years later I start to use google ads, but it was never the same, just a fraction of the money came to me and I wanted the project to be free for everybody.

And then disaster!!! flash was coming out the internet for so many reasons, as you may know flash vanish from the web in 2020, I new this some years before, but I was stubborn and kept using flash although it was dying because I really like the software and I and knew AS2 so well. So I lost everything, more than a 100 games and apps.

I had to renovate or die, so I start searching for programming languages and software to do the same thing as flash, until I found TUMULT HYPE, a tool to make HTML5 interactive animations and websites for MAC, and like I always say, if you know how to animate and do buttons, then you know how to make games, and thats how I started in flash, no help, just clicking and I sold so many games to a big company without knowing programming just making multi path interactive movies.

Interactive multi path movies? YES! a baseball player and the pitcher throw the ball, if you click at the right time send you to an animation of the hit and the ball flying, no score or variables, just an animation of the score moving one frame at a time, so I started the same way with HTML5.

Now thanks to forums I know how to use variables, create random numbers and use statements and just with that I can make so many different games.

I came back with ads but google ads are soooooo intrusive, like they don't know how to handle HTML5 because ads companies sees web pages as empty because there are no pictures, just numbers as vectors, so I started using affinity designer so the games have png and gif graphics.

Now I am creating games again form the start and I go slow, just games, toys and movies, no apps for now.

The good news is that a Foundation (Causes México) found me (2024) and they love the project so they are helping me to spread the project. I don't know the future but this is what I wanted since I started the project, to have fun and help so many people.

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