GameDev Challenge : Tower Defense : 1st Video Feed Update ^_^y

Published May 25, 2018

Wazzup peepz! need some update for entry on GameDev Challenge : Tower Defense




   Dust clouds scrolling
   Asteroids scrolling

  Mouse :

    Left mouse    :  Dragging of Ship/Items  
    Right Hold     :  left right : Rotate by mouse clockwise or counter clockwise
    Right Hold     :  Up down    : Panning by mouse
    Scroll mouse  : Zoom-in and Zoom-Out

  Keyboard equivalent :

    Left handed :
      A-D     : Rotate clockwise or counter clockwise
      W-S     : Room in - out
      Q-E     : Pan  in - out

    Right handed :
     <- ->    : Rotate clockwise or counter clockwise
     ^  V     : Zoom in - out
     Pup PDn  : Pan  in - out


    Finally my trail engine is now always facing the  camera on every angle ^ _^ Y


That's all folks for now  busy on the day job to focus on this challenge. very slow progress... T __T



2 likes 4 comments



Cool, so what exactly is happening in the video?  What are those three ships?  What are those things you're dropping in?

May 25, 2018 08:55 PM
5 hours ago, Awoken said:

Cool, so what exactly is happening in the video?  What are those three ships?  What are those things you're dropping in?

Game play revealed :-D It's a kinda PLANT Vs ZOMBIE in Space, the simpliest TD I can think of for this challenge. but hoping to expand it to a RTS in Space after this challenge ^ _^ Y

The one I'm dropping in, is a "SOLAR THERMAL COLLECTOR" it's where your power comes from, to build another ship for defense/offense, it collects "20 ENERGON TUBE" ever 8 secs.

The 3 Ship is just an enemy test wave that destroy all my Solar Collector, To counter it I need build offensive ships which it's not working yet LOL.

The ship Collector can be upgraded to counter offense and can shoot attacking waves.


May 26, 2018 02:31 AM

It looks fantastic so far dexter! The boulder backgrounds is great and the particle effects. And having the ships flying in 3d instead of 2d brings in another dimension. Makes me think I should have some birds or something in mine! :)

May 26, 2018 06:08 AM

Thanks @lawnjelly since your game is already done you can now add special features... Birds would be nice... ^_^y your entry reminds me of Warcraft... Kill the ORCS !!! : - D

May 26, 2018 09:05 AM
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