Earth Fly-by

Published August 09, 2010
A video of Earth fly-by, with head-up display showing altitude, ground distance, speed, heading and current latitude/longitude.

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That is impressive. Does the engine generate terrain based upon your location in accordance to Google maps (Sorry if you have explained this a million times)? How does it fair in other environments such as deserts?
August 09, 2010 04:24 PM
That is impressive. Does the engine generate terrain based upon your location in accordance to Google maps (Sorry if you have explained this a million times)? How does it fair in other environments such as deserts?
August 09, 2010 04:25 PM
Quote:Original post by hungryhippo5000
That is impressive. Does the engine generate terrain based upon your location in accordance to Google maps (Sorry if you have explained this a million times)? How does it fair in other environments such as deserts?

Terrain is generated from base elevation data at the moment, later it will also use climate data to determine the land type, applying specific handling. Currently there's just a single land class everywhere.
August 09, 2010 04:54 PM
Wow - that was fun to watch! What visibility structure(s) is used?
August 09, 2010 10:50 PM
Quote:Original post by DWN
Wow - that was fun to watch! What visibility structure(s) is used?

Uses 6 quad-trees on faces of a spherical cube for visibility determination.
August 10, 2010 02:42 AM
Gets more impressive everytime I see it :)

Also, an excellent video+music combination!

August 11, 2010 09:16 AM
Also, I've written a similar 6*quad-tree on a cube system a year or so ago and the amount of detail you manage to achieve with Outerra is amazing. I can hardly believe that the two systems are related :)
August 11, 2010 10:05 AM
Pardon this, because you have almost certainly answered this before, but how many trees are we seeing in a single frame there? I would guess at least a quarter million - in which case, what measures are you using to accelerate the rendering of all those?
September 04, 2010 04:42 PM
Here are some debug screenshots with triangle counts included:

complete (3,061,618 triangles) wireframe terrain
no trees (2,127,728 triangles)
no shadows (1,496,808 triangles)

Note there's no occlusion culling yet so it's rendering heaps of stuff behind the hills.

All trees are still just simple billboards so there are 2 triangles per one, which then indicates there are 466,945 trees in the shown scene. That surprised me too.

The key is doing everything about the trees on GPU: computing the coverage map on terrain in shaders and generating the billboards from the map with a geometry shader ..
September 05, 2010 01:01 AM
September 05, 2010 02:14 AM
Quote:Original post by cameni
no trees (2,127,728 triangles)
no shadows (1,496,808 triangles)
Interestingly enough, the only difference I can see between those two images is around the house. Over half a million triangles just to shadow a house [smile]
Quote:The key is doing everything about the trees on GPU: computing the coverage map on terrain in shaders and generating the billboards from the map with a geometry shader ..
Ja, that makes a lot of sense. I need to experiment in that direction as well.
September 05, 2010 12:07 PM
Quote:Original post by swiftcoder
Interestingly enough, the only difference I can see between those two images is around the house. Over half a million triangles just to shadow a house [smile]

Yeah, shadow triangles from the buildings of the distant city are drawn uselessly there now [smile]

September 05, 2010 02:00 PM
Amazing. More so in that I had to look really REALLY hard to see any lod pop too!
September 08, 2010 04:05 PM
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