
Published January 26, 2010
There's a horribly subtle little bug here. Can you spot it?

public IEnumerable GetContentItemHeaders(IEnumerable uris, ContentItemHeader.Fields fieldsToGet, int actorSid)        {            using (var context = new ArticlesDataContext())            {                return uris.Select(delegate(Uri u)                                            {                                                var identifier = PrefixUri.MakeRelativeUri(u).ToString();                                                try {                                                     var g = new Guid(identifier);                                                    return context.articles.Where(a => a.ID == g).FirstOrDefault();                                                }                                                catch (FormatException)                                                {                                                    return context.articles.Where(a => a.UrlTitle == identifier).FirstOrDefault();                                                }                                            })                                            .Where(g => g != null)                                            .Select(g => new ContentItemHeader                                                             {                                                                 ObjectSID=0,                                                                 SerializedData=GetSerializedArticleHeader(g),                                                                 Uri= new Uri(PrefixUri, g.UrlTitle)                                                             });            }        }

(Hint: It manifests as an ObjectDisposedException).
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Your LINQ methods are all deferred execution and don't activate until you first enumerate the result of the method, at which point the ArticlesDataContext has already been disposed [grin]

Just out of curiosity, why do you use the anonymous delegate syntax instead of a lambda expression?
January 26, 2010 04:03 PM
Cookie for you.

I don't like using lambdas for things that are best expressed as multiple statements - a holdover from my training as a functional programmer, I guess. If I'm going to go functional, I go fully functional.
January 27, 2010 07:05 PM
Now that we know the problem, what's the fix? You could force the execution of the query with a ToList() or similar, but if the deferred execution was intended, the only way I can think of implementing it is to code your own IEnumerable<ContentItemHeader> and IEnumerator<ContentItemHeader>, create your ArticlesDataContext in IEnumerable<ContentItemHeader>.GetEnumerator and dispose it in IEnumerator<ContentItemHeader>.Dispose. But that seems to be a lot of trouble...
January 30, 2010 07:48 AM
The deferred execution wasn't a big deal in this case, so I did just stick a .ToList() on the end.

If the deferred execution was desired, the using() statement would have to go; context.Dispose() would need to be called at the end of deferred evaluation. Some way of annotating the final element in the sequence with a call to context.Dispose() would probably be coolest.
February 01, 2010 11:39 AM
Extension methods to the rescue!

public static IEnumerable<TSource> Using<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, params IDisposable[] trash)
    foreach (var item in source)
        yield return item;

    foreach (var item in trash)

Now you just tack this on at the end of your LINQ expression and you're good to go.
February 01, 2010 05:31 PM
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