Just set up

Published August 12, 2004
Well I bit and set up a GDNet account. If nothing else, I read the front page of gamedev so often, that even if I don't use the membership features, I'll be happy having supported the site a bit.

So, onto my first journal entry. Today was something of a first for me. I participated in an internal focus group for a game prototype that was developed at Volition. Obviously, I can't comment on the game and whatnot, but doing a focus group was very interesting. I certainly learned a lot about doing them simply by being a test subject. I look forward to being able to run some of my own on some personal projects. I would definitely recommend getting involved in one if you ever have the chance if nothing else but to focus your mind on thinking about games when playing one.

Ok, so that was a little vague, but I've got to get back to work anyway, so I'll try and write something a little deeper next time!

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