Untitled - Zombie Open World Survival

An open world game blending the best elements of FPS, Survival Horror and Role Playing Games.

by Zaddo


Overview - The game will be a First Person Shooter, Survival Horror, and Role Playing Games combining combat, crafting, looting, harvesting, exploration, and character growth. You play a survivor trapped in a savage zombie infested world.

The World - Explore a beautiful low poly beautiful, with a multitude of biomes.

Points of Interest - Discover hundreds of great Points of Interests ranging from caves, campsites to cities and fair grounds. Each and every building can be explored inside and out.

Story - The story will guide the Player through the world, leading them to undiscovered points of interest.

Basic Survival - Scavenge the world for food and water maintaining and boosting health, food, stamina and hydration levels.

Day and Night Game Play - Spend the day looting, harvesting, crafting and building your base. As night time comes the dangers increase.

Looting and Crafting - Loot and craft a multitude of items and ingredients to create hundreds of items including melee weapons, guns, health kits, meals.

Relentless and Special Enemies - An array of Enemies will provide increasing levels of difficulty as you progress through the game. They can see, smell and hear the player.

XP and Skill Trees - Earn XP and upgrade your skills.

Solo, Cooperative and Multiplayer.

Last updated January 04, 2021
In Development
Release Date
January 01, 2022