error LNK2005: ... already defined in LIBC.lib

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0 comments, last by Desdemona 20 years, 1 month ago
error LNK2005: ... already defined in LIBC.lib I just spent an eternity fighting with my compiler and getting the above error. I just figured I''d post the solution incase anyone else is experiencing the same problem. The problem started when I moved from using the .DLL to using the static-link library supplied with the AngelScript download. That .LIB is compiled using the multi-threaded standard libs, while my project is single-threaded. To solve this, either switch your project to use the multi-threaded libs (in the Configuration Properties,C/C++,Code Generation tab) or recompile the AngelScript lib to use the single-threaded libs. Andreas- Will compiling the library single-threaded cause any problems? death to linker errors
AngelScript is currently single-threaded only so you should not have any trouble using it with the single-threaded CRT. However I prefer to compile with the multi-threaded dynamic libraries as it brings down the size of the executables.

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