Terms & Conditions

Published September 28, 2005
You must read and agree to the terms and conditions set out in this document before continuing to peruse this journal.


This document describes the responsibilities of the reader whilst simultaneously absolving the journal author of any responsibilities at all. For the remainder of this document the reader shall be referred to as "villainous scum" whilst the journal author shall be referred to as "all-powerful being".


1. The all-powerful being reserves the right to present lies as facts and pass off other people's hard work as his own.

2. The villainous scum shall never question the opinions of the all-powerful being.

3. The villainous scum shall not hesitate to help the all-powerful being, while remembering at all times their inherent inferiority to him.

By entering into this contract you promise that:

4. You will not copy, imitate nor think about the ideas you read about here.

5. You will wear yellow socks every third Tuesday of the month.

I, being a spineless, cowardly jelly, accept the terms and conditions set out above without question and with little regard for how demeaning they are.

I do not accept the terms and conditions set out above, and furthermore should I ever find the author of this document I will not hesitate to slap him with the first fish that comes to hand, be it cod, haddock or trout.
0 likes 3 comments


It won't let me not accept the agreement...

Wow, that wierd... the link works in comments page, but not on the main journal page...
September 28, 2005 05:49 PM
I will insert a fish in you.
September 29, 2005 03:04 AM
I'll fish you like something that gets fished a lot.

You should probably tack a counter onto those so you can see how many fishings you are going to get.
October 03, 2005 10:35 AM
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