Zibbs - Alien Survival. Devlog #2: First NPC and some ragdoll fun!

Published March 10, 2019

Hello everyone, 

The development continues and now it's time for our alien to meet some humans. First two basic behavior types are now ready. The first one is scared guy who saw the alien, he screams and runs away. The second one is more aggressive man. He tries to attack the alien, punches or kicks him and chases when the unknown green humanoid runs away. Also, ragdoll feature for the alien has been added. Low mass of the body and special bone structure make our green hero vulnerable to the brute force of earthly creatures. So, punches and kicks of some aggressive people can throw the alien in the air along with some funny variations of ragdoll physics. 

The video with new features and some funny interactions is here:

Don't worry, the alien will be able to defend himself. So, watch the development updates!

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Ragdoll looks great, some Destroy all Humans action. :D I think the question we are all wondering is, will there be an anal probe?

March 12, 2019 06:48 PM
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