Pastry Fortress - J004 - Turrets + Third Person Shooter

Published March 16, 2016

So, most of today was spent getting the Third Person viewport looking solid. I think we have something acceptable:



I also added in the clouds to the primary level and damn they look good!


Lastly, with some help from the UE4 forums we were able to get the HSV system in place so you can modify LED color!! Now our model is damn near 100% customizable.


The goals for the following week will be to finish up all the art assets for the factory, garage, and the generic enemy. Once these are in place it will mostly be gameplay mechanics we touch to make the game fun/enjoyable for the common user. With any luck we should have a playable demo before the 25th.

3 likes 2 comments



Wow! This is really coming together. Where did you get the idea for this game?

March 18, 2016 08:19 PM

Gamejam, one of the guys wanted to do a tower defense, I had a robot asset sitting around, and walla

March 19, 2016 03:06 PM
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