WoA 3: Day 6 pt1

Published August 16, 2015
So, beacuse there is going to be ALOT of work done today I wanted to make two journal entries. The first will be the progress that we have so far and more or less lay out where we want to go in the next two days. Part2 will tell you how close we got and come with a video!

UI Work:
I have created the topbar and some icons to work with it. Here you can see the progress so far:

Level Design:
I have been working to get the level design in place. The key to making this level work is having hiding places that help to avoid the humans.

Thought so far:

We are having a blast but the deadline is looming closer. We still need to get some sound into the game and make things a bit more polished. After Shadow got RAIN working we have some really nice AI going. This game might actually turn out to be fun!!! In the end, we are all burning at all ends of the stick here and have put some serious effort into this. We hope you guys enjoy it.. more to come soon.
Previous Entry WoA 3: Day 5
Next Entry WoA 3: Day 6 pt2
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August 16, 2015 02:34 AM
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