We are in Toronto.

Published August 17, 2009
We finaly arrived in Toronto.It pretty great so far,we liked the numerous parks and especially the beaches area.

We have some work to do like getting social insurance numbers,applying for health insurace,opening a bank account etc.

The weather is pretty hot here which is suprising,I always thought Canada had cool summers and a very cold winter.It's arround 32'C at the moment and I saw some people with umbrellas to protect them from the sun.

I will try to write more and post some pics later when I have more time until then cya.
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Welcome to Canada, eh!

I know when I lived near Ottawa that the summers there were pretty hot (30C or more) and humid. I don't remember the winters being particularly cold either, although in Ottawa we did get quite a bit of snow, not sure about Toronto.

If you would like the real cold weather in winter you would have to come out west (Winnipeg and Regina especially).

You arrived there just after they resolved the garbage man strike, all those parks were full of it just a couple of weeks ago.

I'm sure you'll like Canada.

August 17, 2009 03:14 PM
Black Knight
Yeah I heard about the strike, my brother is living in Toronto for 12 years and we will stay with them for a while.They had to dump their own trash to some place(prolly parks :)) before we arrived.
August 17, 2009 09:32 PM
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