#gamedev douche bagginess.

Published February 02, 2008

I've always idled in #gamedev and helped people when I could, but trying to get help from even the most trivial problems is near impossible.

For example, today I had the following question:

Quote: Hey, does anyone know if it's possible to read pixel data from a texture in OpenGL?
bladezor: possibly.
Washu, isn't glReadPixels only for the frame buffer?
<@Washu> there are other commands, depending on which version of GL you use
<@Washu> R2T for instance
* Washu has quit (Quit)
it can read textures too
i believe..
bzroom, the C specification only shows the frame buffer..
So I'm pretty sure I rtfm

After a few minutes I was highlighted by someone else

Quote:* Zao nudges bladezor towards dev.

I mean honestly, how is it that I get help from some person in a different channel? I wouldn't mind if some people didn't help me at all but when you respond with things such as "i believe...read the fucking manual" without even making the slightest assumption that I've done that and wouldn't be asking..damn that's less than helpful, it's insulting.

#gamedev has turned into a giant e-penis measuring fest full of 4chan related crap.
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And having idled in #gamedev you should know how many people we get in there who ask stupidly simple questions without having rtfm'd first? Stuff which could be answered with a simple google and they expect us to use our time to help...

The answer, incase you didn't know, is far too many.

So, no, we can't assume you've done anything other than gone 'er, duh.. I don't know how to do this, lets get on irc and make someone else do the work' unless you SAY what you've done, which based on that snippet you didn't; if you had said something like 'I've looked at the glReadPixels details and it says it only reads from the framebuffer' then it's less likely to get a 'rtfm' response... might not get help if people don't know the answer (and for the record the methods of reading back from textures for some reason aren't widely known...), but less likely to get called out like that.
February 02, 2008 10:48 AM
Quote:Original post by phantom
And having idled in #gamedev you should know how many people we get in there who ask stupidly simple questions without having rtfm'd first? Stuff which could be answered with a simple google and they expect us to use our time to help...

The answer, incase you didn't know, is far too many.

So, no, we can't assume you've done anything other than gone 'er, duh.. I don't know how to do this, lets get on irc and make someone else do the work' unless you SAY what you've done, which based on that snippet you didn't; if you had said something like 'I've looked at the glReadPixels details and it says it only reads from the framebuffer' then it's less likely to get a 'rtfm' response... might not get help if people don't know the answer (and for the record the methods of reading back from textures for some reason aren't widely known...), but less likely to get called out like that.

I'd expect a better response from a moderator, #gamedev isn't "1337" dev, so no matter how simple the question is it doesn't mean people should be assholes about it. If the question seems stupid to you, just don't answer, it's that simple. The reason I asked a fairly vague question is because I was hoping to get several different suggestions but instead I got some and an insult.

Even so, after I elaborated on what I had tried and told bzroom he was wrong...he just ignored me. Basically, he tells me that you CAN use glReadPixels and to read the fucking manual, I tell him he's wrong and link him to a page, he stops responding...basically because he doesn't want to look like a fool.
February 02, 2008 03:29 PM
The way I read it is that you ask the question, bzroom says that he thinks glReadPixels can and asks, via a common short hand, if you've looked it up, you do so/show you have, prove him wrong, also reply with 'attitude' (thus losing your moral high ground nicely). So brzoom doesn't know the answer and/or has other things to do so doesn't reply because he can help...

I'm wondering on what day 'rtfm?' became an insult; it looks more like a question/suggestion which is common to use and, given that you HADN'T said at this point you had even looked it up, is a legit response.

Oh, and for the record I do the same thing as bzroom; I'll put forward an idea, if it's wrong I'll just not respond and get on with something else; I have no more input to the conversation at that time and I'm doing other things.

In short; if you think that 'rtfm?' is an insult you might want to see about developing a thicker skin...
February 03, 2008 05:56 AM
Quote:Original post by phantomIn short; if you think that 'rtfm?' is an insult you might want to see about developing a thicker skin...

Yes, because he could of just said "rtm" instead of saying "rtfm", the "fuck" is unnecessary and doesn't really add anything but anger and frustration to that statement, so yes...I would take it as an insult.

Quote:Original post by phantom
The way I read it is that you ask the question, bzroom says that he thinks glReadPixels can and asks, via a common short hand, if you've looked it up, you do so/show you have, prove him wrong, also reply with 'attitude' (thus losing your moral high ground nicely). So brzoom doesn't know the answer and/or has other things to do so doesn't reply because he can help...

Really? I don't see any think in this following sentence:
"<bzroom> it can read textures too"

That statement seems more factual than it really is. It was not until I asked him "really?" that he said, "I believe" and "rtfm."
February 03, 2008 05:27 PM
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